

Let’s meet Jen!

Hi I’m Jen. I’m an Associate Product Manager focusing on the Customer Portal product experience for Wonolo Requestors.

What are you grateful for today?

Where to start? In short, everything! But if I had to be more specific…

I’m grateful for my parents, relatives, and older sister who support and inspire me throughout every endeavor. Their hard-work, real talk, and humor have served as constant encouragement throughout my entire life. If I’ve ever had the audacity to chase my wildest dreams, it’s because I knew my family would always be there to support me regardless of the outcome. I know I’m extremely lucky in this manner.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to wake up every day and work with a mission-driven team who is laser-focused on making Wonolo the best it can be. From the micro-moments to the major wins, I learn so much from the ‘Whammy’ team every day.

Lastly, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work on a product experience that impacts so many hard-working, deserving people. Hearing about how people use Wonolo and what Wonolo can do better for them is the best part of my job.

When you were in high school, what did you dream of becoming?

A lawyer. My favorite activity in high school was Mock Trial and I was sold on the prospect of a lifetime of wearing suits and saying “Objection, Your Honor!” As I soon learned, not all lawyers wear suits or work in the courtroom. Even so, I was fascinated by the nuances of legal logic and how it impacts the lives of everyday people.

What events in your life have led you to your current role/job today?

Growing up with my father’s small business taught me humbling realities about what it takes to make things work. Family conversations at the dinner table almost always surrounded some aspect of work – the good and the bad. I like to believe this infused me with a healthy dose of both idealism and realism. These two mindsets guide me throughout my daily work.

I was first exposed to Product Management through a college course. This inspired me to look for a Product Management internship role, which led me to Wonolo. At the conclusion of my internship, I helped ship a new payment screen for the Wonoloer app. One thing led to another and I’m now a full-time Associate Product Manager working on the Customer Portal for our business customers.

When things do not turn out the way you planned, what is the first thing you do?

I reflect on the events that led up to the outcome and try to pinpoint where things went awry. I am typically an over-thinker but am getting better every day at timeboxing reflection, learning from mistakes, and using the learnings to recalibrate and approach problems smarter the next time around. For larger blocks, I’ll ask for advice from mentors, read for inspiration, or take a quick break outside so I can tackle the problem with a sharper perspective when I return.

When you have to make a difficult decision, what do you lean on?

I collect as much information as possible by asking users and Whammys questions about what’s important to them. I brainstorm potential outcomes for all possibilities and try to weigh the tradeoffs. I lean on mentors at Wonolo for advice. I remind myself about the original problem or goal that I am trying to address and assess which option will achieve the desired outcome best.

What is one life advice you can give to anyone?

Not everything that happens can be planned so be comfortable being uncomfortable and trust your ability to figure things out. Throughout every up and down, remember this too shall pass — cherish all lessons and celebrate every day as the perfect day to get better! You got this.

Please finish this sentence: If you really knew me, you would know that ______.

I come from a family of Wonolo Requestors! My father and aunt both use Wonolo to support their small businesses but I didn’t realize this until after I started working at Wonolo. Thanks, Wonolo!