Community Guidelines
Wonolo wants everyone who uses its platform to feel safe, respected, and empowered to do their best work. Work should be fulfilling and rooted in two-way feedback and support from community members.
While these guidelines may not specifically reference every type of behavior that is prohibited, all of these guidelines are rooted in the belief that when everyone feels safe, respected, and supported, we can all come together to get our best work done.
These guidelines apply to everyone who uses Wonolo – including workers looking for independent contractor and employment opportunities and businesses that post these opportunities.
Note, users are also bound by either Wonolo’s Terms of Use or a Customer Service Agreement, both of which incorporate the User Equality Policy and Acceptable Use Policy. If you have any questions about these Community Guidelines or if you believe a user has violated these Community Guidelines, please contact Support for Wonoloers or Requestors.
Prioritize safety on the platform and at work
Everyone must be treated with respect. We have a zero-tolerance policy for behavior that may threaten, disrupt, or risk the safety of a Wonolo community member.
If you experience unsafe behavior on the Wonolo app or at a job site, please contact us with specific details about your experience.
Any Wonoloer reported to have behaved in an unsafe way, including threats of violence, unwanted contact, and harassment, will be investigated and may have their account suspended or deactivated.
We at Wonolo believe that our community is safest when weapons are left at home and not brought into any workplace. To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, Wonolo has a policy of “no-weapons on private property” unless you have been granted written pre-approval from the worksite and it is also legal to do so in the city and state where the workplace is located.
We facilitate two-way communication when resolving a dispute or complaint. However, we may restrict a Wonoloer’s access to the platform during an ongoing investigation of unsafe conduct.
As a Requestor, you agree to provide a working environment that facilitates the fair treatment for all workers in the Wonolo community.
Any reports alleging an individual violated these policies, acted unsafely, harassed, or facilitated an unsafe working environment will be shared with the Requestor. Wonolo may ask Requestors to provide an investigation plan and communicate reasonable efforts to resolve and address any Wonoloer safety concerns.
Communicate and Work Honestly
Workers and Requestors alike need to trust the individuals they work with. It’s important to be clear and honest when communicating with others in the Wonolo community.
You may not use Wonolo to deceive, mislead, post false statements, open multiple accounts, or misrepresent who you are or your affiliations.
Communicate honestly with Requestors, other Wonoloers, and Wonolo’s Support teams.
Any false or intentionally misleading statements made to any community member or attempts to defraud, deceive, or misrepresent time worked may result in account deactivation.
Wonoloers working a W-2 placement should make reasonable efforts to communicate with the Requestor through the app in advance if they need to communicate any unplanned absences.
Requestors may only use the Wonolo Platform to post legitimate jobs. Use of the Platform to coordinate payment of other transactions offline, obtain workers for illegal or unsafe work, or attempt to defraud workers or Wonolo through job postings may result in suspension or deactivation of your Account, in addition to other measures as permitted by law.
Use the Platform as Intended and in accordance with our
Acceptable Use Policy
The Wonolo community is made up of businesses seeking workers (Requestors) and workers who can view and accept their job postings (Wonoloers).
You may not send unwanted messages or spam, promote or facilitate use of the Wonolo app by a Wonolo competitor, transmit information within the Wonolo app to a Wonolo competitor, or use the Platform to communicate with users with no intention of obtaining workers for a job or to communicate with a Requestor regarding a job. You may not use the platform or information obtained through the use of the platform to damage the integrity of the platform or further send unwanted messages, spam, threaten, or harass users of the Platform.
Wonolo cannot guarantee payments or honor agreements for jobs that you did not accept through the Wonolo app. If you agree to perform work directly with a Requestor and not through the Wonolo app, you do so at your own risk.
You may also not use the Wonolo platform to facilitate work that was not posted and accepted through the platform.
Treat each other fairly and in accordance with our
Equality Policy
Whether you’re a woman, a veteran, a person of color, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, a dog person, a cat person, none of the above, or all of the above, Wonolo welcomes you as you and celebrates our collective diversity. Wonolo works to serve the underserved, and we are built on the strength of our collective community.
Wonolo prohibits treating individuals who use the Wonolo platform to accept and perform jobs differently based on their race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected status under all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances. Wonolo’s policies go beyond legal requirements (i.e., they prohibit misconduct far beyond what is covered by applicable laws).
Wonolo prohibits treating individuals who use the Wonolo platform to post jobs differently based on their race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected status under all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances. Wonolo’s policies go beyond legal requirements (i.e., they prohibit misconduct far beyond what is covered by applicable laws).