As 2020 continues to unfold, one of our goals is to share more of our Wonoloer community stories. We talk to Wonoloers every day and each person has something to share. It could be the flexibility they gain from accepting jobs on our app to finding full-time work by proving their work ethic while on the job.
We are so excited to share about Ava’s story. We featured her on our blog last year, but we wanted to dive into her story more.
If you’re needing more flexibility in a work schedule to pursue other goals and dreams, Wonolo is right for you. You can find awesome work that fits around your schedule and allows you to have time to chase after what you want. Bonus- you get to meet awesome people like Ava who will inspire you even more!
While we have you here, we highly recommend to check out the other four stories of Wonoloers, and let us know if you want to share your story.