Companies are only as strong as their people, which is why getting talent management right is critical for today’s competitive environment. From locating and recruiting to hiring and developing talent, companies need to ensure their talent management strategies support their overall strategic planning and business goals. Talent management strategies should result in a high-performing workforce, a system that identifies and improves weak areas, and a means for attracting, developing, and retaining quality, diversified talent.
Human resources managers and executives often work together to develop talent management strategies; in fact, companies that lay out a plan and align goals have more success with talent than those that don’t. We have rounded up 50 of the top articles on talent management from HR leaders, renowned talent firms, and other experts in the field. If you’re looking for tips to improve your talent management strategy, or if you’re looking to enhance your already solid system, you will find helpful information, case studies, and advice in our top article picks. Please note, we’ve listed them in alphabetical order to simplify your search; therefore, our top talent management strategies articles are not ranked or rated in any order of importance or value.
1. The 4 Steps to a Successful Talent Management Strategy
Thomas International champions people, teams, and cultures through assessment innovation in business, sports, and education. In his Thomas International article, experienced international executive Ciaran Morton explores how talent management is a two-was street requiring proactive employers who provide the workforce with resources for success and open-minded employees who make use of those tools.
Three key points we like from The 4 Steps to a Successful Talent Management Strategy:
- Investing in a strong talent management strategy is critical to recruiting and retaining the best talent
- Attract talent by making a first and lasting impression by knowing how prospective candidates view your organization and creating impactful employer branding
- Put processes in place to encourage employee engagement and participation
2. 5 Simple Talent Management Strategies
A leader in background screening, HireRight makes hiring faster and easier. In 5 Simple Talent Management Strategies, the HireRight team reminds readers that sound talent management strategies assist HR in moving from a process-focused operation to one that is a key strategic contributor with competitive advantages.
Three key points we like from 5 Simple Talent Management Strategies:
- Use business goals to determine the criteria needed to understand the talent required to help your organization achieve success
- HR leaders should engage with business leaders to support their needs and objectives
- Engage employees to increase job satisfaction and create a high-performing workforce
3. 7 Talent Management Practies to Help You Survive a Downturn
As this article from Saba Halogen points out, talent management processes sometimes are the first to be cut when a company faces financial difficulty. Yet, the cost of labor often is the largest business expense, so companies that learn to manage their workforce and support a culture of high performance can survive even the nastiest economic downturn.
Three key points we like from 7 Talent Management Practies to Help You Survive a Downturn:
- Companies that invest in talent management practices outperform their competitors consistently
- Provide ongoing feedback to maximize workers’ performance; take a quick, corrective action when things start to slip
- Offer the training employees need by using employee evaluations to identify sky gaps and get value from investment in employee development
4. 8 Talent Management Strategies for Fast-Growing Companies
Growing quickly can be harmful to companies that hire haphazardly and make mistakes in their talent management, according to Recruiterbox. That’s why fast-growing companies especially need to implement talent management strategies.
Three key points we like from 8 Talent Management Strategies for Fast-Growing Companies:
- Keep the bar high while hiring
- Put structures in place to allow for employees to grow and to promote from within
- Put resources into training middle managers and giving them the support they need from the beginning
5. 10 Talent Management Best Practices
APQC is an authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management. They conduct human capital management research studies and have determined five tried-and-true and five emerging talent management best practices that are useful for strengthening and improving established talent management programs, which they expound upon in this article.
Three key points we like from 10 Talent Management Best Practices:
- Define talent management broadly yet integrate elements of talent management into one comprehensive system
- Use a competency model to connect various talent processes
- Monitor talent and measure talent management while assessing and developing leadership abilities
6. 10 Talent Management Trends for 2016
Founder and director of The HR Trend Institute, Tom Haak is an experienced HR professional who shares the trends he identified in talent management for 2016. Many of these trends continue into 2017, including striving to get a broader definition of talent and being more transparent via clearer expectations and commitment.
Three key points we like from 10 Talent Management Trends for 2016:
- Organizations with a narrow definition of talent miss opportunities to connect with talent
- Look for talent with traits that have a proven correlation to success in your organization
- Utilize HR analytics and talent analytics to more objectively find the right talent
7. Beating the Talent Shortage
Randstad Australia reminds readers that talent shortages loom because of retiring baby boomers, and, as a result, HR professionals need to be prepared to supply organizations with talent. The agency points to encouraging people to work longer and reaching out to young people as two ways to combat the talent shortage challenge.
Three key points we like from Beating the Talent Shortage:
- Eliminate ageism in your organization’s culture and support mature workers who want to continue working
- Hire young people for their technological, networking, and collaboration skills and train them appropriately to overcome their lack of experience
- Develop flexible work practices to broaden your talent pool
8. Building a Game-Changing Talent Strategy
Douglas A. Ready, Linda A. Hill, and Robert J. Thomas’ Harvard Business Review article considers how companies like BlackRock continue to thrive and operate as purpose-driven, performance-oriented, and principles-led organizations with superior talent strategies. In fact, those successful companies’ talent strategies focus on supporting and drive their business strategies.
Three key points we like from Building a Game-Changing Talent Strategy:
- To build and maintain a business-first mindset, top executives must be committed, articulate the importance of talent management, and heavily engage with their companies’ practices
- Invest in finding and developing talent to execute your vision and strategy
- Be a magnet for top talent by encouraging line leaders and HR managers to work together to create an organizational climate of spirit and energy
9. Building an Effective Talent Management Strategy
Vice president of the Human Resources and Global Diversity and Inclusion Center of Excellence at Merck, Celeste Warren walks readers through building an effective talent management strategy in her article of the same name. The article breaks strategy development into steps including developing the talent management strategy, driving understanding through the HR team, and influencing business leaders to drive the strategy through the organization.
Three key points we like from Building an Effective Talent Management Strategy:
- To develop a sound talent management strategy, ensure there is an established business strategy in place first
- Translate organizational capabilities into key roles within your organization, and then focus on critical roles through differentiated investments when sourcing talent for the roles
- Work with training and development specialists, staffing and recruiting specialists, talent specialists, compensation specialists, and HR business partners to implement the strategy effectively and develop appropriate plans for doing so
10. Crossing Swim Lanes for More Strategic Talent Management
HR Certification Institute (HRCI) is a premier credentialing organization for the human resource profession and has been an HR leader for more than 40 years. Barry Lawrence, MBA, aPHR, explained in his HRCI article that the typical advice of staying in your lane does not apply to HR management professionals, line managers, or the C-suite who work to create sustainable talent management advantages.
Three key points we like from Crossing Swim Lanes for More Strategic Talent Management:
- For successful talent management, HR professionals must be willing to connect with business objectives, line managers, and teams
- To optimize human capital, HR leaders should spend time working across the organization and gaining practical business perspectives
- Line managers should receive training to gain a foundational knowledge of HR as an essential business tool rather than for risk management
11. Developing and Implementing an Effective Talent Management Strategy Plan
This Saba Halogen article explores the fact that companies do not see HR teams as playing a strategic role and do not give talent management activities organizational importance when the teams fail to develop a talent management strategy and plan. To assist teams in developing a strategy, the article details the steps in a strategic planning process.
Three key points we like from Developing and Implementing an Effective Talent Management Strategy Plan:
- Begin by identifying organizational goals and priorities
- Consider the internal and external drivers and challenges that could impact your organization’s ability to achieve its goals
- After identifying goals, challenges, and gaps, identify HR goals for the next year to support your organization in achieving its goals
12. Emerging Market Talent Strategies
Authors Tom Morrison, Jonathan Pearce, Suzanne Kounkel, Matt Szuhah, and Ina Gantcheva consider how a flexible approach to talent management in emerging markets can create an effective global talent model in this Deloitte Insights article. Changing economies and markets are pushing global companies to modify their global talent frameworks to enable local customization.
Three key points we like from Emerging Market Talent Strategies:
- Talent management strategies designed to increase flexibility empower companies to “open the flow of ideas between markets and deliver localized approaches”
- Expanding to emerging markets is a top strategic priority for executives
- More forward-thinking companies have begun developing country-specific talent strategies and HR programs to attract a local workforce
13. Essential Tools of Talent Management
In this article, Forbes Insights contributor Bill Millar warns small-to-midsized, fast-growing private companies that underdeveloped talent development and management strategies lose too much value. High-growth companies need to focus on talent or their performance will suffer.
Three key points we like from Essential Tools of Talent Management:
- The damage caused by subpar talent can be hidden by success in high-growth companies
- Shifting to a strategic talent management program assist companies in achieving all their business objectives
- Implementing elements such as objective metrics, strategic alignment, and targeted training and development, along with a mentoring program, is a solution for talent optimization
14. Fulfilling the Promise of the ADA: Innovative Talent Strategies Are Driving Corporate Success
Carol Glazer is president of the National Organization on Disability and a workplace diversity expert, thought leader, and social innovator. She also is a HuffPost Business contributor, and her article explores how innovative talent strategies and a focus on welcoming people with disabilities into workplaces can drive talent strategies.
Three key points we like from Fulfilling the Promise of the ADA: Innovative Talent Strategies Are Driving Corporate Success:
- Innovating scalable and sustainable disability employment models marrying corporate America’s talent needs with the skills of working-age Americans with disabilities will help realize the ADA
- Building a corporate culture of inclusion and employing talent with disabilities will help companies solve challenges
- Workers with disabilities are loyal and dedicated, having fewer absences and lasting longer on the job than their non-disabled counterparts
15. How Emerging Technologies Will Power Talent Management Strategies
Joyce Shen is the global director of emerging technologies in the CTO office at Thomson Reuters. In her CIO article, Shen considers how emerging technologies drive talent management strategies. She also reminds readers that talent management is being redefined by and disrupted by technology, and companies must look at technology and HR as a business conversation that needs to occur.
Three key points we like from How Emerging Technologies Will Power Talent Management Strategies:
- Emerging technologies are poised to enable and transform current HR practices and disrupt how organizations approach talent management in the future
- HR Tech, with an estimated market of approximately $9 billion by 2022, will significantly impact HR processes
- Organizations crave better products that deliver greater ROI and improve HR administrative operations while providing a better employee experience
16. How Technology Empowers Your Talent Management Strategy
Chris Cancialosi, partner and founder of gothamCulture, covers leadership and entrepreneurship for Forbes. In this article, Cancialosi explores the ways in which technology continues to evolve and impact HR talent management strategies. Today, CEOs recognize that technology solves many of their organizations’ HR challenges.
Three key points we like from How Technology Empowers Your Talent Management Strategy:
- Technology enables startups and entrepreneurs expand to a global talent market, so businesses must adopt a global mindset
- Companies of all sizes can tap into the well of global talent
- HR technology supplements talent management processes and delivers competitive benefits
17. How to Attract Quality Talent: Where You’re Going Wrong
Research from Randstad shows organizations seeking to attract high-quality talent are going about it in the wrong way. In this article, they explore the ways in which the disconnect between employees and employers impacts talent management strategies.
Three key points we like from How to Attract Quality Talent: Where You’re Going Wrong:
- Employees want salary and employee benefits, pleasant working environments, job security, a good work-life balance, and a convenient location, but employers focus on financial stability, strong management, good training, career progression, and long-term job security
- It is crucial for organizations to cultivate a strong employer brand to sell their values and culture, rather than trying to buy employees
- Appealing, authentic brands more successfully attract, engage, and retain high-performing employees and gain a competitive advantage via enhanced productivity, innovation, operational excellence, and market leadership
18. How to Build a Winning Talent Management Strategy
Knowledge Anywhere provides customized, end-to-end corporate eLearning solutions. Sarah Johnson’s Knowledge Anywhere article provides readers with advice to solve their talent management problems, including training and keeping the right people.
Three key points we like from How to Build a Winning Talent Management Strategy:
- Losing new hires is expensive because of training costs and loss in productivity and morale
- Talent retention is challenging because of company culture, a smaller talent pool, and indecision
- To build a strong talent management strategy, treat potential employees like customers, align your plans, provide clear job requirements and goals, measure progress, stay engaged, offer fair compensation and rewards, provide an outlet for employees to share concerns, and create a path for advancement and improvement
19. How to Hold Onto Top Talent
In this article, Randstad explores one of the chief challenges with talent management strategies: retaining top talent. Organizations need to understand exactly why people stay and what pushes them to leave, and Randstad research shows people stay because of a good work-life balance but leave because they are pulled by a better job or change in circumstances, or because they are dissatisfied with their current position or employer.
Three key points we like from How to Hold Onto Top Talent:
- Most employee dissatisfaction is due to a lack of career or training opportunities
- Employee turnover results in a loss of knowledge, a decline in productivity, and extensive cost of hiring and training a new employee for organizations
- Developing an employee retention strategy is a must: effective strategies are flexible and responsive and involve both short and long-term planning with proper resources
20. How to Think Differently About a Flexible Workforce
This Harvard Business Review article acknowledges the rapidly changing business environment that exists today, and the fact that companies attempting to rely completely on full-time employees lack the skills and agility needed for success. Companies face gaps in talent and need to focus on a pool of independent, highly-skilled workers to fill their needs.
Three key points we like from How to Think Differently About a Flexible Workforce:
- Analytical, enginering, and management roles are the most difficult to fill
- American workers in alternative work arrangements, including temporary workers, increased by 67% from 2005 to 2015
- Independent professionals can tackle high-level projects that previously would have been too expensive for full-time employees to work on
21. How to Use Social Media to Widen Your Talent Pool
To address the talent shortage, according to Randstad, companies need to be proactive and use all resources available to them, including social media. In fact, research shows that job seekers increasingly turn to social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find work.
Three key points we like from How to Use Social Media to Widen Your Talent Pool:
- Talent management strategies should include a strong social media and professional network management plan
- Companies must know their target audience and be able to create timely, relevant, engaging content that will appeal to talent
- Take a more targeted approach to your talent search with a strong employer brand and insights into how specific talent pools find and engage with potential employers
22. HR’s Critical Role: Connecting Talent Management to Business Outcomes
Former Business Objects CEO and founder of Visier, John Schwarz is on a mission to help companies succeed with business intelligence and maximize the benefits of using BI solutions. In his talent management article, Schwarz emphasizes the need for HR to connect talent management to business outcomes: “Understanding what workforce lever to pull to drive business outcomes will revolutionize the impact HR has on business performance.”
Three key points we like from HR’s Critical Role: Connecting Talent Management to Business Outcomes:
- By definition, talent management is a strategic pursuit, and HR leaders need to be more strategic to focus on matters concerning the entire organization
- Hr has been viewed as being less strategic because HR metrics are removed from higher-level business results such as revenue, profit, and customer satisfaction
- The need to connect the workforce to business outcomes is critical, and cloud-based workforce intelligence solutions are making the connection possible
23. Improving Talent Management Strategies
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest professional association of human resources professionals. This SHRM article explores the findings from NorthgateArinso’s (NGA) annual global talent management survey, which shows that executives believe identifying the right talent is critical to success, but more than half of them believe there is a shortage of talent in their industry. As a result, companies need to improve their talent management processes.
Three key points we like from Improving Talent Management Strategies:
- Consolidate HR technologies being used to help integrate processes because a varied network of talent management tools decreases HR data quality
- Articulate a strategy and assign experts to execute it; dedicated experts can develop integrated strategies across several talent management processes to solve the problem of identifying and retaining talent
- Automate or outsource daily HR tasks to empower HR teams to focus on implementing talent management processes
24. Keep Your Company Competitive with These 4 Talent Management Strategies
TechRepublic contributing writer and president of Transworld Data, Mary Shacklett explores four ways companies can remain competitive by focusing on employee recruiting and retention in this article. As Shacklett points out, talent management software solutions are making it imperative for IT managers to work together with HR to meet business and hiring objectives.
Three key points we like from Keep Your Company Competitive with These 4 Talent Management Strategies:
- Companies can build relationships with prospective employees during recruiting theory social media
- Using talent management programs empowers companies to uncover employee skillsets they otherwise may not know about, and to fill particular positions and gaps as a result
- Employee retention can save time and money and boost morale
25. Learn the Best Talent Management Practices
Human resources expert, consultant, and writer Susan M. Heathfield encourages readers to consider talent management as a business strategy in her article for The Balance. She contends that this approach increases retention of exceptional employees and creates a superior workforce.
Three key points we like from Learn the Best Talent Management Practices:
- Talent management should flow from an organization’s mission, vision, value, and goals to help employees understand where they fit within the organization
- Talent management should involve activities and work processes such as developing clear job descriptions, selecting appropriate employees, providing effective employee onboarding and ongoing training, providing ongoing coaching and mentoring, and more
- A study shows that “impediments to effective integrated talent management efforts include conflicting priorities, limited resources, non-supportive corporate cultures, incompatible organizational processes, and senior leaders who undervalue integrated talent management”
26. Linking Talent Management Strategy to Business Strategy
3rd Eye Advisory is a global strategic management consulting group. Their Human Resource Advisory team explores the link between talent management and business strategies in this article, which contends that talent is a resource that drives business strategy when the organization onboard the right talent with the right initiatives.
Three key points we like from Linking Talent Management Strategy to Business Strategy:
- Benefits of aligning talent strategy to business strategy include high ROI, increased productivity, lower turnover, increased ability to innovate, and high efficiency and improved processes
- Aligning talent strategy to business strategy can result in a reduction of cost-to-hire and time-to-hire for your organization
- To implement a talent strategy, develop a clear understanding of the business environment, define your organization’s mission and objectives, identify required organizational, functional, technical, and behavioral capabilities, identify the suitable best HR practices, determine the talent implications, and align your talent strategy with business strategy
27. Nine Best Practices for Effective Talent Management
DDI works with clients in nearly 100 countries to build a pipeline of leaders to meet business challenges through leadership development and leadership strategy. Their talent management white paper addresses the fact that companies know they must manage talent appropriately in order to achieve the best possible results, and it expounds upon nine of the best practices for effective talent management.
Three key points we like from Nine Best Practices for Effective Talent Management:
- Emphasis on talent management is critical because companies spend more than 33% of their revenue on employee wages and benefits
- Effectively hiring, retaining, deploying, and engaging talent is the one true competitive advantage organizations possess
- Two key components of a highly effective talent management process include accurate hiring and promotion decisions and a focus on the elements required for successful execution in addition to a focus on the talent strategy itself
28. The Role of HR in Talent Management
Paychex provides payroll, HR, and benefit services to more than 600,000 businesses. Their human capital management article explores the role HR plays in talent management and describes talent management as playing a key role in broader HCM initiatives.
Three key points we like from The Role of HR in Talent Management:
- Talent management encompasses specific, critical daily activities that HR teams oversee
- Recruiting is the foundation of talent management, and the most effective recruiting processes include carefully defined job descriptions and applicant tracking systems to manage interview process workflows
- Include performance management in talent management strategies by utilizing HR technology and service solutions for time, attendance, productivity, and performance tracking and by giving employees feedback
29. Strategic Talent Management
American Management Association (AMA) is a world leader in management development. Their talent management article proposes that talent is the most important corporate resource and explains that top talent is growing scarce and will become even more son in the future.
Three key points we like from Strategic Talent Management:
- Mid-sized businesses especially feel the effects of dwindling talent
- Business leaders must make talent management a strategic imperative to remain competitive and avoid becoming a casualty of global business growth
- Adopting a disciplined approach to talent management, including aggressive management of acquiring, growing, and retaining talent, is key
30. Tackling Talent Management
Hay Group is the global people and organizational advisory division of Korn Ferry. Their Tackling Talent Management explores the ways in which organizations can achieve better ROI on talent management. It also reminds executives that getting talent management right significantly impacts the bottom line.
Three key points we like from Tackling Talent Management:
- Research shows that organizations making serious investments in talent management get the best results because getting the right people yields the best performance
- There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to talent management because organizations must match their approach to their most pressing needs and their business strategy
- Without a clear vision from senior leaders on what talent management can do for an organization, you will not achieve ROI from talent management
31. Talent Management Best Practice Series
Korn Ferry, a premier global provider of talent management solutions, presents their Talent Management Best Practice Series. While not a traditional article, this document contains valuable information in shorter sections that read like articles. You will find information on aligning business and talent strategies, key questions for guiding strategy alignment, and more in this Korn Ferry document.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Best Practice Series:
- Companies gain competitive advantage when they deliver unique products and services through distinct human resources
- Companies that align talent and business strategies are more likely to achieve strategic objectives, perform better in the market, and retain highly engaged, high-performing individuals
- Talent strategy should be based on best practices, but it will be more effective if it aligns with business strategy
32. Talent Management Best Practices
TalentGuard is competency-based talent management software for engaging, managing, and developing your people. Their talent management article explores three elements of a top talent management strategy: relevance, transparency, and manageability.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Best Practices:
- Involve business leaders in developing talent strategy so talent management becomes a priority across the organization
- Introduce talent strategy with business drivers in mind and identify talent programs that will achieve company goals
- Share all relevant strategies, information, and intentions as you implement talent management programs
33. Talent Management Essentials: Best Practices for a Game-Changing Talent Strategy
Natalia Sánchez is a strategic HR leaders with experience across multiple multinational industries. In her talent management article, Sánchez explains that the most effective organizations center on highly empowered, talented teams and explores the best practices for talent strategies that will transform your organization.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Essentials: Best Practices for a Game-Changing Talent Strategy:
- Strategies for hiring, retaining, and developing top talent positively impact a company’s bottom line and foster a self-learning environment that supports high performance
- Talent management promotes empowerment and aligns with business strategy, requires a strong organizational culture, and involves key players at all levels of the company
- Talent management becomes critical to retaining millennials, who view job-hopping as the norm
34. Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century
Peter Cappelli’s Harvard Business Review article examines the ineffectiveness of most talent management strategies in the United States. As Cappelli puts it, “talent management practices, especially in the United States, have by and large been dysfunctional, leading corporations to lurch from surpluses of talent to shortfalls to surpluses and back again.”
Three key points we like from Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century:
- A reactive approach to talent management relies on outside hiring and falters as the surplus of management talent has dissipated
- Legacy systems fail today because they are inaccurate and costly in today’s volatile business environment; as such, new approaches to talent management are required today because of the uncertainty of business
- A talent-on-demand framework, like just-in-time manufacturing, is the way to approach talent management today
35. Talent Management Strategies
Gregory P. Smith is an author, keynote speaker, and consultant who shows businesses how to create better places to work, build teams, and retain and engage the workforce. His talent management article shares Smith’s eight tips for developing and implementing talent management strategies, including caring management and a charged work environment.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Strategies:
- Your organization needs a clear sense of direction and purpose because employees want to be part of an organization that gives them fulfillment and meaning
- Include flexible benefits and schedules that adapt to individual needs
- It is imperative to know how to manage performance to align employees and their behavior with the company’s goals
36. Talent Management Strategies for a Global Marketplace
SSONetwork provides shared services and outsourcing to unite and connect practitioners, providers, and advisors online and at events. Their talent management article considers the strategies needed to meet the demands of a global marketplace.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Strategies for a Global Marketplace:
- Western companies struggle to fill talent needs because potential employees from emerging markets like India and China stay home to grow their local businesses
- The aging workforce is retiring, and companies are losing talent and experience
- New markets are gaining a talent edge as the quantity and quality of available business talent in emerging markets has grown over the past two decades
37. Talent Management Strategies to Retain High Potential Employees
Monster’s talent management article explores the reasons that companies invest in recruiting high potential employees but do not continue to use talent management strategies to retain them. Because high potential talent is so crucial today, companies need to put strategies in place to retain these desirable employees.
Three key points we like from Talent Management Strategies to Retain High Potential Employees:
- Implement structured mentoring programs to acclimate employees to corporate culture and values
- Give high potential employees high visibility, meaningful assignments to keep them engaged
- Openly communicate with high potential employees and give them one-to-one attention with all levels of management and foster their creativity
38. Talent Management: A Framework for Small Business
The Peerman Group offers leadership training, organizational development, and HR support services to companies and non-profit organizations. Jeffery D. Welter, MS, is an organizational effectiveness consultant at the Peerman Group and the author of this talent management article. Welter examines talent management in the context of small businesses and contends that it is more important for businesses of this size because a smaller number of employees serve in multiple capacities to operate and grow the business.
Three key points we like from Talent Management: A Framework for Small Business:
- Small businesses struggle to develop and implement a talent management strategy because they do not have dedicated HR professionals making talent a priority during budget time
- “Talent management is not an end in itself, but it is an important means to having a profitable business”
- Job descriptions are a critical component of talent management because it creates the foundation of the talent lan and defines the necessary skills, experiences, requirements, education, and more of future employees
39. Talent Management: Three Strategies for Success!
Career Launcher is Asia’s leading education services company. Kunal Srivastav’s article for Career Launcher highlights three key pieces of a successful talent management strategy.
Three key points we like from Talent Management: Three Strategies for Success!:
- Talent management strategies need to be long term
- Measuring talent management outcomes should includes practical metrics such as filling positions from within the organization, assessing employees through recruitment, selection, and development processes, and evaluating talent management’s impact in terms of financial and non financial performance objectives
- Engage top executives to develop leadership strategy and align strategies
40. Talent Mangement in the Digital Era
Editorial director at Forbes Insights, Hugo Moreno explains in this article that Forbes Insights and Oracle created a three-part series to examine talent management in the digital era. He provides an overview of the briefs and shares the highlights of their insights and advice throughout this article.
Three key points we like from Talent Mangement in the Digital Era:
- Companies can create a high-performance culture if they treat candidates like top customers
- Create a multi-channel sourcing strategy to tap a variety of channels, such as LinkedIn and employee referral portals, for talent
- Continually engage employees by creating a digital experience via self-service training, learning, HR tools, and emerging technologies
41. Talent Mangement Trends to Look Out For
The HR Gazette shares articles on HR, talent, and business. Their editorial team’s article stresses the increasing importance of developing a talent management plan to support organizational success. The article also encourages companies to keep up with the latest talent management trends to remain competitive.
Three key points we like from Talent Mangement Trends to Look Out For:
- Look beyond candidates’ skills and background and determine which potential employees have the ability to perform in the future
- Focus on hiring internally to create a shorter time to productivity and increase employee retention and satisfaction
- Embrace diversity as part of your talent management strategy
42. Top Five Strategies for Talent Management
Avi Basu, founder and CEO of Connectiva, shares his top strategies for talent management in this article for the American Management Association. Basu explains that human capital is the key to success in today’s highly-competitive environment.
Three key points we like from Top Five Strategies for Talent Management:
- 10% of your overall workforce has a unique blend of skills, knowledge, and experience that results in potential for creating high value from organizational resources; companies need to manage this talent and use their skills and potential to the fullest extent
- Establish the right screening process because training cannot remedy ineffective recruiting and selection
- Top talent takes pride in where they work and the work they do, wants to complete meaningful work, wants recognition and a fast path to career growth, top compensation packages, and flexibility for work-life balance
43. Understand the Components of Talent Management
Shelley Moore’s talent management article for Bloomware explores seven components of talent management. As Moore explains, implementing all the components together as part of a strategy gives your organization a competitive edge.
Three key points we like from Understand the Components of Talent Management:
- When considering organizational goals and your strategic plan, identify the key roles and personnel who will make them come to fruition
- Look internally and externally for new talent, especially because hiring from within is more cost-effective
- Use performance management to ensure you align talent with roles that suit them and that move your organization forward
44. Using Talent Management to Create Value
McKinsey has been a trusted advisor to leading businesses, governments, and institutions for more than 90 years. Sandy Ogg, author and founder of CEO.works, explains how to use talent management to create value for your organization in this McKinsey article, co-authored by McKinsey Publishing senior managing editor Rik Kirkland. Ogg also explores how linking talent to value impacts the role of HR.
Three key points we like from Using Talent Management to Create Value:
- Talent is a source of competitive advantage when it is deployed against key sources of value
- Managing talent builds speed in organizations
- Chief human resource officers need to move from being a business partner to being a business leader
45. What is Talent Management–Really? Why Talent Management is an Important Business Strategy
HR expert Susan Heathfield examines talent management through the lens of business strategies in this article for The Balance. Heathfield begins by clearly stating that talent management must be “an organization’s commitment to recruit, retain, and develop the most talented and superior employees available in the job market.”
Three key points we like from What is Talent Management–Really? Why Talent Management is an Important Business Strategy:
- Talent management encompasses all work processes and systems related to retaining and developing an outstanding workforce
- Organizations dedicated to a talent management strategy that helps prospective employees develop professionally attracts top talent
- True talent management strategies put managers in the lead role of responsibility for the recruiting process and ongoing development and retention of superior employees
46. What Should Your Talent Management Strategy Look Like?
HRZone is a leading community for HR professionals. In her HRZone article, AchieveForum managing director Cynthia Stuckey recognizes the tremendous transformation talent management strategies have undergone in the past decade. Stuckey emphasizes the point that singular HR core functions are being “replaced by a holistic, integrated set of HR and talent management systems.”
Three key points we like from What Should Your Talent Management Strategy Look Like?:
- The challenge of recruiting and retaining top talent is increasing, and organizations who want to remain on the leading edge must plan, manage, and unify the talent that is available and that you plan to recruit
- A unified view of talent management helps organizations identify gaps and determine how well goals align with business and talent strategies
- The test of talent management is determining whether it has produced intended business outcomes
47. Why Is It Important to Restructure Your Talent Management Strategies and How to Proceed With It?
Aarathi Bhattaram examines the need to restructure talent management strategies to meet increasing industry and employee demands in this article for Zalaris. Bhattaram also points out that, while many organizations keep up with changing technologies at the operational level, they often fall behind in acquiring technology to support transforming talent management strategies.
Three key points we like from Why Is It Important to Restructure Your Talent Management Strategies and How to Proceed With It?:
- Organizations are revamping their talent management strategies to ensure they attract talent from the latest generation of workers
- Companies struggle to find employees who have the skills needed to engage with advanced technology
- Four differentiating factors help organizations improve their talent management strategies: creating brand awareness, prioritizing talent analytics, knowing your talent, and engaging in learning
48. Why People Management is Replacing Talent Management
Josh Bersin offers insights on corporate talent, learning, leadership, and HR technology. In his article on talent management, Bersin highlights the shift from talent to people and points out that the latest challenges facing companies involve engagement, empowerment, and environment.
Three key points we like from Why People Management is Replacing Talent Management:
- It becomes increasingly difficult to attract top people as the gap between highly skilled potential employees and other potential employees grows
- One of the most significant factors that sets businesses apart is your ability to attract talent
- Talent analytics tools and strategies assist organizations in determining which people fit with your strategy, culture, team, and open position, and how to keep people who do fit
49. Why You Need a Talent Strategy
ManpowerGroup is a leader in innovative workforce solutions. They also share resources with readers, such as this talent management article by Michael Haid, senior vice president of talent management for Right Management, the workforce solutions group within ManpowerGroup. The article points to talent management as the most important element of differentiation in today’s uber-competitive global marketplace.
Three key points we like from Why You Need a Talent Strategy:
- Organizations should put the same energy and investment into creating an overall talent management strategy as they do their overall business strategy
- There is a growing need for more specific skills that is creating a widening talent gap and scarcity of leadership talent
- The trends toward multiple generations and cultures in the workplace have led to changing motivations and preferences; these trends contribute to changing workforce and workplace dynamics that make it even more challenging to identify, access, and manage talent
50. Why Your Recruitment and Talent Management Strategies Need to Change
Mervyn Dinnen is a talent analyst who advises recruitment and HR technology businesses on emerging trends affecting hiring, retention, and engagement. He shares his insights on recruitment and talent management strategy in this article for Personnel Today.
Three key points we like from Why Your Recruitment and Talent Management Strategies Need to Change:
- Talent professionals face challenges as demographics change, new technologies emerge, skill demands shift, and employee and customers’ preferences and expectations evolve
- HR must recognize that 92% of employees say their work satisfaction relies on whether they have the technology necessary to work efficiently, and about one-third would quit a job if the technology were outdated or inefficient
- Being changing your talent approaches and gain a competitive edge by attracting and selecting the right candidates, redefining talent, improving onboarding processes, and providing real-time feedback to employees