Let’s meet Jorge!
Hi, my name is Jorge Villacorta. I’m an engineering manager for test automation. I have been working at Wonolo for over two years now, and I’m based in Aurora, Ontario, about 30 minutes north of Toronto in Canada.
What’s the most exciting engineering challenge you’ve solved at Wonolo?
I think if I have to single out a challenge, it will be to build a pipeline ecosystem for test automation and actually test in general. Making a complex process simple for everyone. I believe it has made a big impact on how manual automated tests are performed at Wonolo, which drastically improved the way how we operate across multiple teams.
What’s the next engineering skill or technology you want to learn?
In the new year, I will be partnered a lot more closely with the DEVOPS team, to bring all the learnings from my team into build and release tools. There’s going to be a lot of learning on my side in infrastructure and the AWS side, but I’m really excited to have a supporting team that will help me through this journey.
What’s one perk of working from home as an engineer?
Well, I have made my schedule work for my family and my team. I work closely with people based in the West Coast of the U.S. and even Vietnam and Argentina. Plus I have a five-year-old that requires a lot of attention, so I feel empowered to control my work hours. For example, I take an afternoon walk with my son or I take coffee breaks with my wife. It’s really flexible and works well for me.
If you really knew me, you would know that…
If you really knew me, you’ll know that I’m a coffee snob. For me, coffee is a really serious thing, not just a drink. My dad is one of the first coffee tasters in El Salvador, where I’m from. Since I was a little kid, he taught me to appreciate coffee, so much so that before coming to Canada, I worked in the coffee industry for over eight years.