How did you hear about Wonolo?
I had been working for another large company in their warehouse and I was out on workers comp. I had started using a temp agency and they actually told me about Wonolo. I downloaded the app and the next thing I knew, I just started picking up jobs.
What surprised you about Wonolo when you first started?
I was surprised at how fast you get paid! It’s really nice getting paid within a few days. Wonolo also was very helpful. There was one time when I needed to speak to someone on the phone because I arrived on a job site and was unable to perform one of the job duties. So I called Wonolo and they helped me coordinate with the customer so that I got paid for the time I was there – so they were really helpful.
What has Wonoloing enabled you to do?
In some of my past jobs, I have not been treated well. I experienced harsh working conditions and there was a lack of respect. With the Wonolo app, there’s so much flexibility in deciding when and what to work. I have two kids. When they were on spring break, I was able to travel to Colorado, take a break on my terms, and even work a couple of jobs that I found on Wonolo while I was out there, too. I was like, “This is so easy!”
I’ve also found that the on-site personnel at the jobs I’ve worked have treated me really well.
How has Wonolo helped you achieve your goals?
Just from the amounts I have made from working jobs posted on Wonolo, I was able to straighten out my credit and I’ve been able to buy two cars, one for my brother to use and one for myself. I’ve been able to pay my bills as well as take a break from working and go to Colorado during my kids’ spring break. I typically don’t work weekends but I’ll probably take on a couple of jobs this weekend just because I’m planning a trip to Miami this month. I’m able to set my goals and Wonolo enables me to work towards them when I want to. During Christmas time, I’ll probably work a few extra jobs again.
Have you made any great friends through Wonolo?
I’ve actually met so many different people using the Wonolo app. Many of whom I would see whenever I go to the same job site. One of my best friends was the Wonoloer of the month back in December.
What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about trying Wonolo?
You know how the Wonolo app shows you how much you’ve earned from the jobs you’ve completed? I’ve been at the ballpark talking about it. I had a friend who didn’t know if she was going to try it and I told her I’ve made plenty of money from jobs posted on the app. I showed her how much I’ve earned this year so far and our other friend said, “Sign me up!”
I tell people how much I’ve made through jobs posted on Wonolo and that’s all the convincing they need!