

  • Wonolo

We interviewed Michael D. to find about more about his experience working on Wonolo in New York.

Tell us a bit about you:

To start, I’ve always been a hard worker. I’ve been working since 18 years old. Now I’m 25. I’m passionate about sports, mainly baseball and the Yankees are my team. Beyond that, what I really want to accomplish in life, is having a sense of purpose in my work life and more opportunities to network. I believe Wonolo has given me the opportunity to do this. Just being with different companies and working different jobs, there’s so much variety and it’s never the same. I love putting the work in to learn new skills, acquiring new skills, and always working to the best of my ability along the way. I believe that everyone should be working as hard as you can, because that’s the only way you’re going to reach the level of success you want.

What’s it like being a part of the Wonoloer Community?

The best thing about being a part of the Wonolo Community, I’d say for me, is getting to meet different people and getting to work at different businesses. Before I was with Wonolo, I had a wide range of skills, but I wasn’t able to necessarily polish them before I came into those businesses. It felt like I had an idea and understanding of how the job is done, but actually getting hands-on experience is the best for me. Being on a Wonolo job, clocking in, and seeing my jobs approved gives me a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Obviously the flexibility, the schedule, and getting paid rather quickly compared to waiting for a weekly paycheck is also a benefit.

What was your first Wonolo job like?

I remember the first time I worked a Wonolo job. I was referred to Wonolo by friend who told me that I can literally just start working straight away. I was a little bit down on my luck at the time, and he tells me about Wonolo and I’m thinking to myself this is too good to be true. So at the time I was seeing a few different jobs. I ended up choosing one nearby. I liked the description and the location and I thought to myself,  ‘I’m gonna give this a try!’

I got to my first job, and I was a little bit, I wouldn’t say nervous, but I was unsure. Finding the job site was simple, the job was easy and it was fun. It was great and it got me excited and pumped. I’ll never forget that day, my first job on Wonolo. It kind of became an addiction after that. You never want to miss a job that you’re capable of working.

What are your best tips for other Wonoloers?

I would say my best tips for Wonoloers are to read the description. If you’re new to Wonolo, start by accepting one shift at a time, or work at a business for one day to see if you like it (which I pretty much guarantee you’ll like because the Requestors are great). I’d also say, have a positive attitude and be ready to work. When you get to a job, introduce yourself, don’t be shy. Going in there ready to work is my best tip, and also just have like a little background or understanding like a sense of what you might be doing that day. Do your research.

How has your experience with Wonolo been?

With my working experience on Wonolo, I’ve had a good positive experience with the support team. The people are great, the events are great, and everyone works together to make it happen.

I usually work between 2 and 3 Wonolo shifts per week right now. I have a rather rigorous schedule so I try to balance it with whatever jobs I have on that aren’t with Wonolo. If I see something that looks interesting and I have the time to pick it up and it fits my schedule, 100%, absolutely as soon as I hear the noise, I’m like ‘Yo what’s this going to be?!’ It’s always interesting because you never know.