Before Wonolo I had a career with Verizon for 21 years. I retired back in 2018 and have been loving the freedom and flexibility. I absolutely loved what I did. I was in customer service and collections, and I helped many people with their service. Some folks just need an extra hand, and I could be there for them. Since I’ve retired, I have not wanted to go back to work full-time, but I do still want to earn some money.
I heard about Wonolo during the Superbowl of 2019. My friend told me about the app, showed me how it worked, and it seemed very doable. I trusted my friend, so I decided to go for it!
One of the things that surprised me about Wonolo was no resume was required to pick up work. I could pick up different badges and more work would become available to me. I love working early morning jobs that I find on the app. After I’m done working, I still have the whole day to do something. I have a friend who is on dialysis and I help her three times a week. I have the flexibility to do so, and they mean so much to me.
Wonolo allows me to have a consistent income to eat, to have a roof over my head, and provide for myself. I have extra money to splurge on myself, like grabbing drinks with my friends or planning a fun trip!
If you’re on the fence about trying Wonolo, just go for it! I tell all my friends about Wononolo all the time. I show them how easy it is to use. I give them a step by step guide, and they always find something that fits their needs. If you’re retired like me, this could be a perfect way to keep busy and earn some extra money.