A couple of weeks ago we introduced the start of our Wonoloer Recognition Program with the Wonoloer Leaderboard. We’re excited to introduce our second branch of the program which is Wonoloer of the Month.
We wanted to take this opportunity to recognize someone who stands out in our community and who exemplifies the 5 Ps. The best part is that we’re asking for peer nominations. At the beginning of the month, we’re posting a link on the home screen on the Wonolo app asking who YOU would like to nominate.
We think this is a special opportunity for Wonoloers to share their appreciation for people they work with day in and day out. The winner will receive a Wonolo swag box and a shout out on the app! Feel free to check out May’s Wonoloer of the Month.
We’re excited to launch this program along with the Wonoloer Leaderboard. We have another branch launching soon, so we’ll keep you posted as to when that goes live. Thanks for all that you do. We hope this program helps recognize more Wonoloers and all the hard work you do!