Rev. 12.14.20

Punch Windows

Punch Windows are “windows” of time at the beginning and end of a job that automatically adjust your the ‘start’ and ‘end’ times that you record yourself for the scheduled start or end times of the job you have selected.

For each job you select that has a Punch Window, the Punch Window will have be the same amount of time before and after the start and end time of the job. Thus, for example – if there is a ‘5-minute punch window’ at the start of a job, there will also be a ‘5-minute punch window’ at the end of a job.

Why Are Punch Windows Important?

Punch Windows make it so that if you do not indicate that you will ‘start’ a job at the exact scheduled start time, you will still be paid starting at the scheduled start time – as long as you indicated that you started during the Punch Window. Additionally if you indicate that you will ‘start’ a job during the starting Punch Window, you will be marked as “on-time” for that job.

Here are some examples that demonstrate how the process works: 

  1. 5-minute punch window; start time:  If you have accepted a 9am-5pm job with 5-minute Punch Windows, you will be marked as on time and paid from 9am if you select ‘start’ at any time between 8:55:01am and 9:04:59am.  
  2. 5-minute punch window; end time: If you have accepted a 9am-5pm job with 5-minute Punch Windows, you will be paid until 5pm if you select ‘complete’ at any time between 4:55:01pm and 5:04:59pm.  
  3. 10-minute punch window; start time: If you have accepted a 9am-5pm job with 10-minute Punch Windows, you will be marked as on time and paid from 9am if you select ‘start’ at any time between 8:50:01am and 9:09:59am. 
  4. 10-minute punch window; end time: If you have accepted a 9am-5pm job with 10-minute Punch Windows, you will be paid until 5pm if you select ‘complete’ at any time between 4:50:01pm and 5:09:59pm.  

This same information in the four examples above is presented in the table below:

Example # Start/End of Job Punch Window Duration Earliest Rounded Selected Start/End Time Latest Rounded Selected Start/End Time
1 Start 5mins 8:55:01am 9:04:59am
2 End 5mins 4:55:01pm 5:04:59m
3 Start 10mins 8:50:01am 9:09:59am
4 End 10mins 4:50:01pm 5:09:59pm


  1. Not all jobs you accept will have ‘Punch Windows’. Whether a job will have a punch window will be indicated by the business posting the job. Whether a job has a punch window and the amount of such punch window (e.g., 5 mins; 10 mins) will be disclosed on the job request that you can and must review before you accept a posted job.
  2. If you select ‘start’ before a job has actually started, you are not expected to start working and should not work until the actual start time of the work shift you have selected.
  3. You should never do any work once you have selected ‘complete’.
  4. If you have any questions about Wonolo’s Punch Window Policy or if you experience any problems with how your time worked is recorded or reported, you must contact us electronically at Customer Support (