I am a Wonoloer: John Shares How His Martial Arts Discipline Helps Him be a Top Wonoloer

Hi! I’m John and I’ve been a Wonoloer for a little over a year now. I have a few different passions and career goals. I’m a martial artist. The discipline and commitment involved with martial arts has driven me to…

What Virtual Teams Need to Have In 2020 and Beyond

For the past number of years, the number of remote workers has sharply risen, whether it’s traditional companies offering telecommuting benefits, or online startup companies. According to statistics from Owl Labs, before the pandemic 52% of employees around the world…

Wonolo x Stride Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment, the one time of year you can buy or change your health insurance, starts on November 1st and ends on December 15th for most states. Health insurance is a great way to protect you and your loved ones…

Prop. 22 Underscores Why Our Binary Worker-Classification System Is Broken

The success of Prop. 22 shows what I have long believed: the binary worker classifications in place, 1099 vs. W2, are not what today’s contingent workers want or need. Prop. 22 is a win for workers who choose to be independent…

From Growing Up in a Small Town to Establishing a Career in the Startup World

https://youtu.be/Raov5hTxi_M Hi, my name is Harmon Rai. I'm a senior program manager on the support and enablement team here at Wonolo and I'm currently located in Hayward, California. What events in your life have brought you to your current role…

How This Holiday Season is Different: Infographic

I’m sure you’ve noticed things look a little different than last year. Last year we were reporting on seasonal labor shortages and booming holiday spending. This year, we are grappling with high unemployment rates and uncertain demand in the pandemic-driven…

I am a Wonoloer: Moving to a New State and Looking for Work at the Beginning of the Pandemic

Hey! My name is Martin and I’m a Wonoloer in the New Jersey area. I’m originally from Queens, NY. I moved to Jersey in March of this year. I was looking for work in my new neighborhood, but it wasn’t…

Why We Work: Kirstyn Shares How Her Competitive Nature has Driven a Large Part of Her Drive and Career

Let’s meet Kirstyn! Hello! I am Kirstyn Sullivan and I’m the Lead Recruiter here at Wonolo. My focus at Wonolo has primarily been owning business marketplace recruiting, however, I have recently begun full-desk recruiting for tech hiring as well. If…

Just In: Wonolo 2020 Holiday Season Job Forecast

We are excited to announce the release of our annual 2020 Holiday Season Forecast. In this report, we take a deeper look at some of the current work-related trends happening around the country, including: The “K-shaped recovery” and associated industries.…