

As we continue to apply the Black voices of our community, we wanted to share some personal interviews we have with our Wonoloers. The series is called “I am a Wonoloer” and we get to dive into the stories of each person. They share how they found Wonolo, what surprised them about our app, what their goals are, and more. 

In Chicago, we chatted with Jessica and she shared about how a normal interview process can be very stressful. With Wonolo, she was able to find the quick work she needed without having to go through the tedious interview process. 

We were able to chat with John from New York and he spoke about his career path to real estate. Being an entrepreneur has its ups and downs. He’s able to pick up Wonolo jobs in between his work, which gives him the flexibility to run his own business and make some extra income to support his dream! 

Tulani, the sonic soul musician in Chicago, went through a huge change in 2020. His career is in the music industry and performing came to a halt when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. He wasn’t going to change his career, but he needed to support himself again creatively in the meantime. He found Wonolo and has been able to pick up jobs on the app while he waits to get back on stage. 

Feel free to check out more stories about our company culture internally and with the Wonoloers.