As a Wonoloer, you might be able to save money on taxes by claiming tax write-offs on lots of work-related expenses! Our partners at Keeper Tax have put together a list of 19 common write-offs not to miss!
This tax season, we’ve partnered with Keeper Tax!
Wonoloers get a free scan for tax write-offs, and a $30 discount on tax filing. Get started
🚌 Public transport
Public transportation expenses to / from gig or freelancing events are tax deductible. If you paid for a monthly pass, you can write off a portion of the fee.
📶 Phone service bill
Your monthly phone bills are expensive! Since you needed phone service for your freelancing work, a part of the cost is tax deductible.
🚘 Rideshare
Taking an Uber or Lyft is convenient, but expensive! Any rides you took to gig or freelancing events are a tax write-off.
🎓 Education Expenses
Online courses, summits, membership site subscriptions, and workshops, are tax deductible if they help you stay informed and competitive in your freelancing work.
📱Phone & Accessories
If you bought a new phone last year and used it for your freelance work, then it’s partially deductible. Same things goes for accessories like charging cords, and other electronics like laptops and monitors.
🍔 Meals while discussing work
If you paid for a meal while discussing your freelancing work in depth with a coworker, client, or even a friend, it’s a write-off.
🛒 Supplies
Whether it’s a new harness for dog walking, a delivery hotbag, or just some extra stationary for your freelance design work, any supplies used for your 1099 work are tax deductible.
If you drove for work …
If you drive a car for work (even something as simple as going to the post office) — a portion of all car expenses will be deductible! Note: you can also claim the standard mileage deduction, but KeeperTax has found that taking actual expenses saves you more. It’s also possible to claim a tax deduction on the miles you drive for work instead of actual car expenses, but this requires tracking your miles and may net you less in tax savings. Learn more
⛽ Gas Fill-up
Gas is expensive! If you drove for a freelancing gig, a portion of your gas fill ups are tax deductible.
🔧 Car Maintenance
A portion of all oil changes, repairs, and regular checkups are all tax deductible if you drove for freelancing work.
🧾 Insurance & registration
Part of your car insurance, roadside assistance, and registration costs for a vehicle you drove for freelancing are tax deductible.
🅿️ Parking
Parking for a meeting downtown or another freelance trip is a tax write-off!
🛂 Tolls
A toll while driving to or from a freelance work destination is tax deductible! If you pay for a monthly pass of some kind, you can deduct a portion of that cost.
🚗 Vehicle depreciation
If you drive your own vehicle, you can write off the annual depreciation of its value!
If you worked from home …
If you do at least some of your work from home from a dedicated workstation, you get to claim home office tax deductions. Note: you don’t need to work from a separate room to claim these write-offs – a dedicated desk is sufficient. Learn more
🛋️ Home Office Furniture
A desk, chairs, lamps, and other home office necessities might all be tax write-offs.
🏠 Part of your Rent
Whether you pay rent or own your home and pay a mortgage, a portion of those expenses might be tax deductible.
🌐 Wifi Bill
Part of your internet bill might be a tax write off if you need the internet to do your freelancing work from home!
🌪️ Property Insurance
Whether you have rental or homeowner insurance, you might be able to write off a portion of it as part of your home office.
🔌 Power Bill
Gotta keep the lights on in your home office! A portion of your electricity bill could be a tax write-off.
🚰 Water Bill
It’d be hard to work in an office without running water, huh? Your water bill could be partially tax deductible if you worked from home.
Keeper Tax is a Wonolo Up partner that offers Wonoloers benefits and perks to help make the most of your Wonolo experience.
*The information provided on this webpage is for general information purposes only and should not be viewed as tax, accounting, legal, financial, or other professional advice. All information provided on the site is provided in good faith, however neither Wonolo Inc. nor Keeper Tax makes any representation or warrant of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information in this article or on our respective sites. You should not act upon the information contained in this article without seeking the advice of an accountant, financial planner, or other appropriate professional.