AMP Printing used Wonolo to save time it would have spent training new workers
AMP Printing is one of the premier printing businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 30 years of industry experience and a high-volume, cutting-edge facility, the AMP Printing team is known for speedily handling large and elaborate print projects and has earned the trust of businesses throughout the area.
Since 2015, Wonolo has been a highly strategic partner for AMP Printing by providing on-demand staffing services that give their warehouse operations team the flexibility needed to ramp staff up and down as their volume of projects change. This flexibility has been particularly beneficial when it comes to large special projects with a tight turnaround.
Before Wonolo, the company often struggled to find workers beyond their core team, which presented a significant resource challenge. “We’re awarded a project with the understanding we have a certain number of days to do that,” said Julie Eastman, finishing project manager. However, the company would frequently have to turn down these tight turnaround projects because of staffing shortages, missing out on tens of thousands of dollars in revenue every year.
Now, AMP Printing often uses Wonoloers they previously worked with to ensure that they will be up to speed on certain tasks. By using Preferred Wonoloers, who have distinguished themselves for their outstanding work ethic, AMP Printing has found that being able to build a relationship with certain Wonoloers has netted them a savings in time that they otherwise would have spent training new workers.
“I have no doubt that we would be able to accept any project with Wonolo’s help. We never want to say no to work. We now no longer have to say no to work ever.”