Everything You Need to Know About Minimum Wage for Warehouse Workers

If you run a warehouse, you know the challenges of finding qualified workers. In particular, it’s difficult to pay workers an appropriate amount. You want to combat the challenge of low warehouse worker retention with an appropriate wage, but you…

35 HR Pros, Employers & Managers Reveal the Most Creative Ways Managers Can Keep Employees Engaged

Companies who go the extra mile to attract top-tier talent want to do everything in their power to boost employee satisfaction, which in turn enhances retention. To do that, most companies turn to employee engagement strategies to foster a sense…

How to Ace Your Wonolo Administrative Job Without Previous Experience

It’s often said that administrative assistants are the secret to an executive’s success. They serve as the “eyes and ears” of the company, manage the schedules of executives and employees, and provide insights on the company’s culture. Administrative assistants are…

Meet Wonolo HQ: Melissa Lareau

While everyone shows up to a job with their own unique experiences, there is no doubt that Melissa Lareau has a valuable perspective to add to the conversation. While growing up Melissa observed different ways for people to earn money.…

25 Hiring Managers & HR Pros Reveal the Biggest Trends in Human Resources & Hiring/Staffing for 2018 & Beyond

Like most industries, the human resources industry is undergoing a transformation, driven in part by advancements in technology. HR teams increasingly rely on technology tools and embrace other changes in order to maximize the efficiency of their hiring processes and…

Top 50 Warehouse Management Training Resources

According to an occupational employment statistic gathered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly 120,000 warehouse/distribution managers working in the United States today. It's a sizable number that continues to become more and more impactful as the days…

Meet Wonoloer Michael D. from New York

We interviewed Michael D. to find about more about his experience working on Wonolo in New York. Tell us a bit about you: To start, I’ve always been a hard worker. I’ve been working since 18 years old. Now I’m 25.…

What Does a Warehouse Associate Do?

For busy warehouses the world over, warehouse associates are versatile workers that perform a variety of tasks, depending on the needs of the operation. Generally speaking, these associates serve as the strong hands and second set of eyes that keep…

What is a Blended Workforce?

Let's face it: plenty of companies require complex staffing plans, as they regularly conduct business far outside of the "normal" 9-5 hours. In these cases, a blended workforce are engaged and implemented so that a roster of personnel that is custom-tailored to…