10 Creative Life Hacks to Increase Your Credit Score
You have likely heard of the term “Credit Score” at some point in your life. Think of it as a financial report card that money lenders use to see your ability to pay back borrowed money on time. These numbers generally range from 300 to 850 and hold significant power in your financial life.
How to Build a Seasonal Staffing Plan
A well-executed strategy is the backbone of successfully sourcing temporary workers. Especially during times of increased demand, the ability to quickly find reliable talent can significantly impact your company's ability to deliver on seasonal demand spikes.
How to Identify Seasonal Staffing Trends within Your Organization
In our last blog post, we shared the importance of having a seasonal staffing strategy to help your business conquer unexpected demand. But how do you actually go about crafting that strategy? The first step is to pinpoint the specific peak seasons or events when your business experiences a surge in demand. Understanding the timing and intensity of these fluctuations will enable you to proactively plan for your labor needs, preventing scenarios where you have too many or too little workers. It’s essential to analyze historical data from previous peak seasons. Look into worker records, sales data, and customer trends during those periods. This analysis will help you identify patterns and anticipate when and where additional workers may be needed.
[Report] Beyond the Gig: Exploring Reliable Work Options for the Modern Workforce
In a world where the nature of work is rapidly evolving, businesses and workers alike are navigating the uncharted waters of the gig economy. The release of Wonolo’s latest report, "Beyond the Gig: Exploring Reliable Work Options for the Modern Workforce," marks a significant milestone in understanding the gig worker mindset.
The Importance of Building a Seasonal Staffing Strategy
In the fast-paced world of business, companies often encounter fluctuations in demand driven by seasonal cycles, holidays, or special events. To meet these surges, many organizations adjust their seasonal staffing and labor-sourcing strategies to engage with temporary workers during peak periods
Yes, You May Be Able to Save Thousands of Dollars: A New Student Loan Repayment
Hello, Wonoloers! There is an exciting update for those who've taken out loans to go to college and are dealing with hefty loan payments. Paying back student loans can be hard, especially if you don't have a lot of money [...]
Wonolo Finds Recession Hardships for Corporate and Gig Workers Alike
As economic uncertainty looms over the country, findings suggest workers across all industries are struggling to make ends meet. Last year's average salary raise was just 5% for US workers. However, these same workers are experiencing an inflation rate of [...]
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Side Jobs Part 3: Available Jobs for Skilled Freelancers
For many, the quickest path between you and extra cash is to use the skills you already have, whether you’ve picked them up on the job, in your free time, or years ago at school. Much more than the old [...]
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Side Jobs Part 2: Side Hustle Ideas with No Experience Required
When you want to make extra money, but want something less than a second job, a side job can help provide extra income without the mental drain (or years and years of “experience required”). If you’re trying to find work [...]