Understaffed? Consider Independent Contractors for Temp Work and Beyond

While hiring rates continue to outpace quit rates, companies are still struggling to fill jobs. Moreover, the lack of productivity is costing businesses billions. How many billions? A recent survey estimated labor shortages cost businesses nearly $738 billion from 2020…

Best Blogs for Human Resource Professionals

Human resources professionals are facing exciting and challenging times today. As the gig economy gains even more steam, talent management is taking center stage at many companies. Technology advancements are also impacting the HR world, and HR professionals need to…

What is Pick to Light? A Definition of Pick to Light, How It Works, and More

Warehouses rely on picking systems to retrieve items from shelves and move those items to the appropriate packing and shipping areas. Warehouse picking is a function that's vital to the overall operation, but also one that can contain a great…

The Rise of the Gig Economy and Contingent Workers

A new world of work is here and many eyes are on the future of the gig economy. Built largely on flexibility for both workers and businesses alike, the gig economy empowers contingent workers to choose how, when, and where…

8 Reasons to Outsource Your Warehousing Operations

When it comes to warehousing, there are many reasons why it might be a good idea to outsource to a third-party specialist. In fact, if you’ve been handling your own warehousing functions for a while, you may have already come…

Gig Workers: Finding a Steady Supply of Labor for the Supply Chain

Of all the industries affected by the shortage of workers, supply chain has been hit the hardest. Production slowed down for many industries when workers were out sick during the pandemic. Then, businesses had shortages and trouble keeping up with…

What is Workforce Diversity?

In recent years, this country has undergone a paradigm shift, particularly when it comes to inclusion. More and more, professionals that may have once faced discrimination are now speaking up – and the smartest companies are beginning to take notice.…

Advantages of Temp-to-Perm Hiring: Benefits, Best Practices, and More

Temp-to-perm (temporary to permanent) hiring offers numerous advantages for employers. The concept is also commonly called temp-to-hire, and in some cases, you may hear it referred to as "try-before-you-hire." All of these terms make the meaning of temp-to-perm obvious: it's…

Wonolo’s Year in Review: 2022 and Temporary Workers

2022 was a big year for Wonolo! Full of important milestones and big wins for everyone, here are some of the 2022 highlights for both our customers and temporary workers on our platform. A Snapshot of Temp Work on Wonolo…