
Introducing Wonoloer of the Month

Avatar photo Wonolo on May. 28, 2020

A couple of weeks ago we introduced the start of our Wonoloer Recognition Program with the Wonoloer Leaderboard. We’re excited to introduce our second branch of the program which is Wonoloer of the Month.  We wanted to take this opportunity [...]

Introducing the Wonoloer Leaderboard

Avatar photo Wonolo on May. 18, 2020

The heart of Wonolo is the community of people who are accepting jobs on our app, our Wonoloers. We see you working every day making a difference for yourselves, your families, and your community. You also are helping many businesses [...]

Why We Work: The Reason You Need a Hype Girl to Lead a Sales Team

Avatar photo Wonolo on May. 13, 2020

Please introduce yourself.  Hi there! I’m Amanda Long and I’m a Regional Sales Manager here at Wonolo out of our Nashville office. My team focuses on strategically partnering with companies in the East Coast to help support their growth initiatives [...]

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